The Grahamstown festival 2009

The Grahamstown festival 2009, in my opinion was the best art festival in South Africa. A jam packed well-structured programe had entertainment for all ages and different kinds of people.

With the likes of musicians Kesivan Naidoo, Guy Buttery and Sibot rocking the nights, the new location of the Village green market gave more space for all the traders and street performers by day.

This is indeed a Mecca for all creative types and I would recommend it if have still yet to go , I met some very passionate individuals who are walking a similar path to me and I am now proud to be part of the Arkwork collective.

The festival is a space for new thinking and expression and Dylan McGarry art directed a story tale using Benraku puppetry techniques with an African twist...

I was also blown away by the use of waste for "The Change Room- Punk Couture " collection and congratulate Glen on winning stand of the year for his efforts.

I delivered workshops to school children hat helped create sequence animations for "The butterfly Effect" - There is more to come with this artwork as I am collaborating with a friend to make a soundtrack for the animation.

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